First and for most, I believe God has a plan for my life. Our life. I prayed my way through Dental Hygiene school and He blessed me with an amazing career in Dentistry.

God has given me a true talent and gift of creating memories and expressing them through my art of Photography, which became a second career in College. I created my business in the River Valley, yet it's taken me all over the States photographing wedding photography. As I love to travel.

I have a true passion of saving Dogs and recently started a Social networking site to help find them homes. Mainly because my husband cut me off at three.

This is the begining of my life to say the least....So I've started a blog to capture the moments and thoughts of each day as Mrs. Bowen, a Dental Hygienist, a Photographer, a Dog Saver and a Soon-to-be Mother.....



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